Tate Carson is an immersive audiovisual installation that explores a possible networked future of peer-to-peer technologies, away from the cloud

Hugo Scurto
On a web page, an oval map continually streams noise sounds and images generated by two deep neural networks…

Indices Online
Stephen Roddy
This piece is an online sound installation that uses machine learning techniques to reflect on the interplay of the artist and the artefact in the context of technologically mediated arts collaborations…[more]

Round Of Applause
Marie Tricaud and Willem Kempers
Round of Applause is an interactive online installation that invites visitors from all over the world to join hands and create a large scale digital applause experiment, generating a unique rhythmic pattern over the four days of the festival…[more]

Strings On-Line
Jensenius et al.
This physical-virtual installation explores the concept of entrainment in a setup with six self-playing guitars and three distance-controlled Dr Squiggles robots…[more]

SOLUS: A Connected Isolation
Mat Dalgleish and Francesca Steele
The Covid-19 pandemic has required us to stay inside our respective homes (in Central and North East England) for almost three months (March-June 2020). Our experiences have been eerie (in the sense of hauntology theorist Mark Fisher)…[more]

The Texture of Air
Nicole Robson
The Texture of Air is a public art and heritage project honouring two London hospitals at a moment of historic transition….[more]

Liquid Noise
Dan Pollard, Pete Bennett & Annie Moir
Liquid Noise originated from the documentary A Voice Above Nature, in which we used cymatics to visualise the effect of underwater noise pollution on marine life…[more]

Luc Döbereiner, Gerhard Eckel & Ludvig Elblaus
Constellations is an emergent, self-organising, public global sound art piece. It is an online installation that connects the visitors and the involved electro-acoustic transducers, digital devices, places, and acoustic environments in a network that mutates with every visitor who joins or leaves it…[more]

Timo Dufner
Circles is an investigation of the connectedness of the polyphony and the position by creating a conversation between animated circles, spatial sound and the visitor in a virtual space…[more]

Alec Resende, Ryan Rose, & Avneesh Sarwate
Chronophonics is an interactive installation that lets you contribute to shared musical canvases. It consists of multiple networked interfaces where you can make edits to the music and submit those changes to the shared history of the interface. [more]

Crowdscapes: A Crowd-sourced Soundscape Installation
Anıl Çamcı, Julia Xu & Tanya Lai
As we adjust to social distancing practices due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our relationship with our surroundings is evolving in fundamental ways. Certain aspects of our daily routines move out of focus whereas others become magnified…[more]