Feedback Musicianship
14:00 – 19:30 (GMT+1)

Hosted by:
Dan Overholt, Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark
Chris Kiefer, Department of Music, University of Sussex, UK
Alice Eldridge, Department of Music, University of Sussex, UK
Maximum number of participants: No limit
Workshop Aim: Exchange and generation of strategies, concepts and practices of feedback musicianship – building community, new musical collaborations
Feedback purposefully utilised in performance has long been an interesting musical endeavour; however, integrating such expertise into the design and development of instruments and interactive systems, which balance autonomy and expressivity, playability and musicality remains a challenge. Examples include extended traditional instruments, modular synthesisers, feedback incorporated into acoustic resonating bodies, new algorithmic techniques for managing feedback loops, etc. The workshop will conclude with an evening concert (online informal jam session) in the form of improvisation with feedback instruments, open to all participants.
Identifying the importance of musical feedback in interaction, instruments, and systems, this workshop focuses on the development of instruments for innovative interactions with feedback in music, from designs for feedback instruments themselves, to novel multi-sensory interaction with feedback incorporated into augmented instruments and systems. For examples, see “what’s happening in the world of feedback instruments”:
This is a call for proposals for short demonstrations, talks or other approaches that investigate any aspect of feedback musicianship. We welcome participation from all; presentation is optional.
Indicative schedule
14:00 – 15:45: Show and tell, sharing of feedback instruments and musical practices
16:00 – 16:45: Pair/small group work
17:00 – 18:00: Group reports and discussions
19:00 – 19:30: Informal jam session
If you would like to attend this workshop – additional to the NIME workshop form – please also fill out the google doc provided by the workshop hosts: