Human Sound Interaction

Human Sound Interaction

10:00 – 13:00 (GMT+1)

Hosted by: Balandino Di Donato
• Website:
• Workshop link:
• Twitter: @balandino_dd #HSIworkshop


The design of interactions with sound and audio processes is a seminal activity in the creation of performances, installations, virtual sound environments or interfaces for musical expression. The interaction design is often fixated by the interface without taking into account human factors and our diverse abilities to perceive both the sound and interface affordances.
The Human-Sound Interaction (HSI) workshop is a half-day workshop that investigates principles of interaction design with sound. This workshop with the human at the centre of the design in a collaborative, interactive, inclusive and diverse environment.
This workshop will look at human-centred interaction design (HCID) aspects that determine the realisation and appreciation of musical works (installations, composition and performance), interfaces for sound design and musical expression, augmented instruments, sonic aspects of virtual environments, interactive audiovisual performances.
Participants are invited to a 3-hours interactive session with hands-on design activities.

For detailed information about the workshop refer to the workshop web page: link
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