Round Of Applause
Marie Tricaud and Willem Kempers

Round of Applause is an interactive online installation that invites visitors from all over the world to join hands and create a large scale digital applause experiment, generating a unique rhythmic pattern over the four days of the festival.
Clapping is the auditory equivalent of a group hug, a primordial and strangely exhilarating collective noise-making activity, which has recently brought closer together many city-dwellers in a collective hommage to healthcare systems around the world. But this time, we want to extend the participatory experience of clapping to the scale of a global community – both as an ongoing tribute to essential workers’ efforts and as a collective sound-making experiment – by allowing visitors to clap together with anyone in the world through a browser. The web-based installation ‘Round of Applause’ will listen to your claps and repeat them to all online clappers, providing a blank canvas for a global digital social experiment in rhythmical music making.
Please wear a pair of stereo headphones (no bluetooth) or use a stereo soundsystem. We recommend Chrome as a browser.