(FULL UP) SuperCollider @NIME2020
14:00 – 16:00 (GMT+1)

Hosted by:
Scott Wilson
Konstantinos Vasilakos https://konvas.github.io
Maximum number of participants: 10
For the workshop we will use the SuperCollider (open source) programming language, a sound synthesis environment that is used for the development of music software and interactive applications. It provides a state of the art sound synthesis server and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) making it a powerful tool for real time audio applications used by musical performers, researchers, and sound artists. Our aim is to tailor this session to the interests and level of the participants, but beyond a brief basic introduction/refresh we expect to explore some NIME-relevant topics, including controller integration (including the Modality library), interface design, and live coding (realtime programming as control interface).